GoDaddy Action required: Verify your contact info

GoDaddy Action required Verify your contact info

Did you also receive an email from GoDaddy claiming to update your information related to your domain? This email was sent to me from an email Is this a valid GoDaddy email? Yes, it is. Occasionally, GoDaddy is required to send reminders on registration compliance. You can see more detailed information at the GoDaddy … Read more about GoDaddy Action required: Verify your contact info

Synology: WebStation Update Version 2.1.7-0147


With Web Station you can easily host and publish your own website. Additionally, after installing the PHP package, you can freely create dynamic websites for your business or personal use. Version 2.1.7-0147 released on: May 28, 2019 (2019-05-28) Fixed the issue where the PHP profile of PHP 7.2 might not work properly. Fixed the issue … Read more about Synology: WebStation Update Version 2.1.7-0147

Synology PHP 7.2.13 and New WebStation Update

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After contacting Synology support and receiving a reply, I learned that an upcoming WebStation update, which will make PHP 7.2.13 work, will be released on the 22nd of January, 2019, and be available for download via the Synology Package Center. The current version of WebStation (version 0143) cannot detect PHP 7.2.13 yet. The official answer … Read more about Synology PHP 7.2.13 and New WebStation Update