Synology: Best Docker Wiki Containers

Synology Best Docker Wiki Containers

A Wiki is a web-based collaborative platform that enables users to store, create and modify content in an organized manner. A Wiki platform allows any user to add and edit content. Over the years, on mariushosting, I have written special guides for wiki software that work flawlessly in a production environment. The Wiki guides are for Docker, and thus work perfectly if your NAS supports Docker. So, roll up your sleeves and start installing the following Wiki containers on your Synology NAS!


Wiki.js is a wiki engine running on Node.js and written in JavaScript. It is free software released under the Affero GNU General Public License. It is available as a self-hosted solution. Wiki.js offers various editors depending on the type of content you want to write or simply user preference. Developers will usually go with the Markdown editor while non-technical users may prefer the Visual Editor. Note: Install Wiki.js on Your Synology NAS.


Docmost is an open-source collaborative wiki and documentation software and is designed for seamless real-time collaboration. Multiple users can work on the same page at the same time in real-time without overwriting each other. Whether you’re managing a wiki, a knowledge base, or extensive project documentation, Docmost provides the tools you need to create, collaborate, and share knowledge effortlessly. Docmost has support for Spaces. You can create Spaces for different teams, projects, or departments depending on your needs. Each Space comes with its own permissions. The rich text editor has support for markdown shortcuts. Note: Install Docmost on Your Synology NAS.


BookStack is a free and open source Wiki designed for creating beautiful documentation. Featuring a simple, but powerful WYSIWYG editor, it allows for teams to create detailed and useful documentation with ease. Bookstack can be used for storing and organizing information and documentation. Note: Install BookStack on Your Synology NAS.


Dokuwiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn’t require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator’s favorite. Built in access controls and authentication connectors make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context, and the large number of plugins contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki. Note: Install DokuWiki on Your Synology NAS.

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This post was updated on Sunday / July 21st, 2024 at 4:29 AM