How to Install PhotoShow on Your Synology NAS

How to Install PhotoShow on Your Synology NAS

PhotoShow, your web gallery. PhotoShow is a free and open source web gallery, that you can very easily install on your web server. It doesn’t even require a database to work. In this step by step guide I will show you how to install PhotoShow on your Synology NAS using Docker.

PhotoShow Deprecation Notice: Due to the upstream project no longer being in development, the PhotoShow container is now deprecated. This means you can continue to install it and use it, but there will be no more updates of any kind to the software. In any case, if a developer may decide to pick up and continue the project, I will update the article accordingly.

  • STEP 1

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  • STEP 2

Install Container Manager via Synology “Package Center”. If you run an older DSM version (under 7.2), search for Docker instead of Container Manager.

Download Container Manager Synology Docker

  • STEP 3

Go to File Station and open the docker folder. Inside the docker folder, create one new folder and name it photoshow. Follow the instructions in the image below.
Note: Be careful to enter only lowercase, not uppercase letters.

Photoshow Synology NAS Set up 1 new

  • STEP 4

Now create two new folders inside the photoshow folder that you created at STEP 3 name one “config” and the other “thumbs“. Follow the instructions in the image below.
Note: Be careful to enter only lowercase, not uppercase letters.

Photoshow Synology NAS Set up 2 new

  • STEP 5

Go to Control Panel / Task Scheduler / Create / Scheduled Task / User-defined script. Follow the instructions in the image below.

Synology User Defined Script

  • STEP 6

Once you click on User-defined script, a new window will open. Follow the instructions below:

  1. General: In the Task field type in Install Photoshow. Uncheck the “Enabled” option. Select root User.
  2. Schedule: Select Run on the following date then select “Do not repeat“.
  3. Task Settings: Check “Send run details by email“, add your email then copy paste the code below in the Run command area. After that, click OK.
docker run -d --name=photoshow \
-p 8039:80 \
-e PUID=1026 \
-e PGID=100 \
-e TZ=Europe/Bucharest \
-v /volume1/docker/photoshow/config:/config \
-v /volume1/docker/photoshow/thumbs:/Thumbs \
-v /volume1/web/photo:/Pictures:ro \
--restart always \

Note: Before you paste the code above in the Run command area below, change the value numbers for PUID and PGID with your own values. (Follow my step by step guide on how to do this.)
Note: Before you paste the code above in the Run command area below, change the value for TZ. (Select your current Time Zone from this list.)
Note: in the code above after -v /volume1/docker/photoshow/thumbs:/Thumbs \ you have to add your personal path to photos. For example I have used my personal photos path folder -v /volume1/web/photo:/Pictures:ro \ Change it according to your preferences. -v /path/toyour/photo:/Pictures:ro \

Photoshow Synology NAS Set up 4 new 2023

  • STEP 7

After you click OK on STEP 6 a new warning pop up window will open. Click OK.

Photoshow Synology NAS Set up 5 new

After you click OK, type in your DSM Password then click Submit. Follow the instructions in the image below.

Synology Task Scheduler Confirm Admin Password

  • STEP 8

After you click Submit on STEP 7, select your “Install Photoshow” Task then click the “Run” tab. You will be asked to run Install Photoshow – click OK. Follow the instructions in the image below.

Photoshow Synology NAS Set up 6 new

  • STEP 9

Go back to STEP 1 or you will deal with karma 🙂.

  • STEP 10

The installation process can take up to a few seconds/minutes. It will depend on your Internet speed connection. Now open your browser and type in http://Synology-ip-address:8039 Create a Username and Password. Click Create Account. Follow the instructions in the image below.

Photoshow Synology NAS Set up 7 new

Enjoy your PhotoShow!

Photoshow Synology NAS Set up 8 new


If you encounter issues by using this container, make sure to check out the Common Docker issues article.

Note: If you want to run PhotoShow container over HTTPS check How to Run Docker Containers Over HTTPS.

Note: Find out how to update PhotoShow container with the latest image.
Note: How to Back Up Docker Containers on your Synology NAS.
Note: Can I run Docker on my Synology NAS? See the supported models.
Note: How to Free Disk Space on Your NAS if You Run Docker.
Note: How to Schedule Start & Stop For Docker Containers.
Note: How to Activate Email Notifications.
Note: How to Add Access Control Profile on Your NAS.
Note: How to Change Docker Containers Restart Policy.
Note: How to Use Docker Containers With VPN.
Note: Convert Docker Run Into Docker Compose.
Note: How to Clean Docker.
Note: How to Clean Docker Automatically.
Note: Best Practices When Using Docker and DDNS.
Note: Some Docker Containers Need WebSocket.
Note: Find out the Best NAS Models For Docker.
Note: Activate Gmail SMTP For Docker Containers.

This post was updated on Tuesday / June 11th, 2024 at 10:10 AM