Synology: Add Your WordPress Website in Google Search Console

Synology Add Your WordPress Website in Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a web service by Google which allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites. You will need a Google account to verify and add your own domain name. So if you have a live WordPress website with a domain name hosted on your Synology NAS, you can … Read more about Synology: Add Your WordPress Website in Google Search Console

Synology WordPress 5.9.2

Synology WordPress 5.9.2

On March 11, 2021, WordPress 5.9.2 was released to the public. This version is available for “download” from and not in the Synology Package Center. So, if you want to download and install WordPress 5.9.2 on your Synology NAS, you have to follow my step by step guide on how to manually update a new version of WordPress … Read more about Synology WordPress 5.9.2

Synology: How To Disable Current Admin Account

Synology How To Disable Current Admin Account

Although Synology users have been cautioned time and time again about this, many continue to connect to their NAS using the “admin” user. There is nothing more dangerous than having a basic username, the most basic really – this is vulnerability at its finest. Continuing to use the basic ‘admin’ username for your Synology credentials … Read more about Synology: How To Disable Current Admin Account

Four Ways to Create Docker Containers: Pros and Cons

Four Ways to Create Docker Containers Pros and Cons

Here are some of my thoughts on the different ways to create containers. There are many more, but these described below cover the common ones. My favorite method to create containers is Docker Compose and Portainer for at-a-glance view. PROS: Can do everything in Docker. Reasonably simple. Could be scripted in a shell file. Installed … Read more about Four Ways to Create Docker Containers: Pros and Cons