Synology: Hyper Backup vs Snapshot Replication

Synology Hyper Backup vs Snapshot Replication

Have you come to this article because you want to know the difference between Synology Hyper Backup and Synology Snapshot Replication? Snapshot Replication is an expert of data backup and recovery with the point-in-time copy mechanism, like a time-machine. Businesses need data protection to prevent data loss from accidental deletion, application crashes, data corruption, malware … Read more about Synology: Hyper Backup vs Snapshot Replication

mariushosting Facebook Group Reaches 23K Members

mariushosting Facebook Group Reaches 23K Members

Over 23,000 members! THANK YOU for contributing to this beautiful milestone! The Synology mariushosting Facebook group has reached 23,000 members! Finally, we are a family of 23K. It would not be possible without your immense support and encouragement. Thank you for the ideas, opinions, help, and for sharing. Keep participating! So today I want to … Read more about mariushosting Facebook Group Reaches 23K Members