Synology: bitwardenrs/server Deprecated – Replaced with vaultwarden/server

Synology bitwardenrsserver Deprecated - Replaced with vaultwardenserver

Starting yesterday, the bitwardenrs/server and bitwardenrs/server-mysql images have become deprecated in the Docker Registry. The new image for bitwarden is now vaultwarden/server which is equivalent to the old one, except for the name. So the upgrade is as simple as removing the old container and creating a new one with the new image, making sure … Read more about Synology: bitwardenrs/server Deprecated – Replaced with vaultwarden/server

Synology: Switch From Google Photos to Synology Photos

Synology Switch From Google Photos to Synology Photos

On November 11, 2020, Google announced it will stop offering free unlimited storage for high-quality photos on June 1, 2021. Photos uploaded after that date will be counted towards the 15 GB Drive capabilities. If the account is inactive or exceeds the 15 GB limitation for two years, Google may delete your current photos after … Read more about Synology: Switch From Google Photos to Synology Photos