GoDaddy Action required: Verify your contact info

GoDaddy Action required Verify your contact info

Did you also receive an email from GoDaddy claiming to update your information related to your domain? This email was sent to me from an email Is this a valid GoDaddy email? Yes, it is. Occasionally, GoDaddy is required to send reminders on registration compliance. You can see more detailed information at the GoDaddy … Read more about GoDaddy Action required: Verify your contact info

Synology: Docker Cannot Completely Uninstall

Synology Docker Cannot Completely Uninstall

Today, while doing my routine tests on Synology packages, I realized that something was wrong when trying to uninstall the Docker package Version 18.09.0-0506. So I uninstalled the Docker package. If I had previously created an image using Docker by going to Advanced Settings and checking the “Create shortcut on desktop” option, the respective shortcut … Read more about Synology: Docker Cannot Completely Uninstall