Synology: Best Docker Containers For File Management

Synology Best Docker Containers For File Management

A file manager or file browser is a computer program that provides a user interface to manage files and folders. Below you can find a list of free Docker apps for file management that can be installed on your Synology NAS to help you organize and edit your files.

💡File Browser

File Browser provides an amazing easy file managing interface within a specified directory and it can be used to upload, delete, preview, rename and edit your files. It allows the creation of multiple users and each user can have its own directory. It can be used as a standalone app or as a middleware. Note: Install File Browser on Your Synology NAS.

💡Double Commander

Double Commander is a free cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side. You can easily explore, download and edit any file on your Synology NAS. Note: Install Double Commander on Your Synology NAS.

💡Cloud Commander

Cloud Commander, like Double Commander, is a file manager with a console and editor. It includes a command-line console and a text editor. Cloud Commander helps you manage your Synology NAS server and work with files, directories and programs in a web browser from any computer, mobile device or tablet. Note: Install Cloud Commander on Your Synology NAS.


Dufs, aka Duf, is a simple file server similar to Oasis & Cloud Commander. Dufs is a distinctive utility file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control and WebDAV. Note: Install Dufs on Your Synology NAS.

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This post was updated on Thursday / June 20th, 2024 at 2:58 AM