Synology: Why I Like The New WebStation

Synology Why I Like The New WebStation

DSM 7.2 arrives with great news on the updates front: the long-awaited update to WebStation version 4 that revolutionizes the self-hosting experience in particular. This update is especially important for those using WebStation and those web hosting from home on their own Synology NAS. With the powerful WebStation 4 you won’t need to worry about … Read more about Synology: Why I Like The New WebStation

Synology: SRM Version 1.3.1-9346 Update 4

Synology SRM Version 1.3.1-9346 Update 4

SRM 1.3.1 is the current operating system of the Synology RT6600ax, WRX560, RT2600ac and MR2200ac routers. Version 1.3.1-9346 Update 4 is the fourth official update release after the first Official Release 1.3.1-9346, and was released yesterday, March 23, 2023. Unfortunately the new SRM 1.3.1-9346 Update 4 version maintains the outdated PHP 5.5.25 version, an issue … Read more about Synology: SRM Version 1.3.1-9346 Update 4