No, Synology Will Not Enforce Own HDDs on DiskStation

No, Synology Will Not Enforce Own HDDs on DiskStation

Lately there has been a lot of noise regarding Synology’s newly released HDD disks, the HAT5300 series. In addition to the HDDs themselves being added to Synology’s products list, which was long-awaited, concerns have been raised about the direction in which the company is headed with respect to enforcing the use of its own HDDs … Read more about No, Synology Will Not Enforce Own HDDs on DiskStation

Synology: How to Allow Hastebin to Work Over an HTTPS Connection

Synology How to Allow Hastebin to Work Over an HTTPS Connection

Have you already installed Hastebin using docker on your Synology NAS following my step by step guide? Do you want to log in via HTTPS using your custom domain name even when you are away from home? It’s simple and free. You don’t need to buy domains, you don’t need to look for information elsewhere … Read more about Synology: How to Allow Hastebin to Work Over an HTTPS Connection

Synology: WordPress 5.6.1

Synology WordPress 5.6.1

On February 4, 2021, WordPress 5.6.1 was released to the public. This version is available for “download” from and not in the Synology Package Center. So, if you want to download and install WordPress 5.6.1 on your Synology NAS, you have to follow my step by step guide on how to manually update a new version of WordPress … Read more about Synology: WordPress 5.6.1