How to Install Gravity on Your Synology NAS

How to Install Gravity on Your Synology NAS

Gravity offers DNS with Ad-blocking, DHCP with automatic DNS integration, and network discovery. Built on the same code as CoreDNS and Blocky, the code is battle-tested. Additionally, Gravity’s data is fully replicated, allowing you to have a simple multi-site setup without needing to manage external databases, or worry about primary-secondary setups. DNS with built-in caching … Read more about How to Install Gravity on Your Synology NAS

Synology: Best Docker Containers To Share Secrets

Synology Best Docker Containers To Share Secrets

So much of managing our privacy and cybersecurity involves not sharing secrets over the Internet. Some people love to overshare private information on different social media platforms. They can post all kinds of personal information or send emails with passwords or credit card numbers. But how can you safely share private information like this over … Read more about Synology: Best Docker Containers To Share Secrets

How to Install YouTrack on Your Synology NAS

How to Install YouTrack on Your Synology NAS

YouTrack is a proprietary, commercial browser-based bug tracker, issue tracking system and project management software developed by JetBrains. It focuses on query-based issue search with auto-completion, manipulating issues in batches, customizing the set of issue attributes, and creating custom workflows. In this step by step guide I will show you how to install YouTrack on … Read more about How to Install YouTrack on Your Synology NAS

Synology: Portainer Docker Version 2.18.4

Synology Portainer Docker Version 2.18.4

On July 7, 2023, Portainer switched from version 2.18.3 to the new 2.18.4 version. It’s mandatory to upgrade since multiple issues have been fixed in this new version. Portainer 2.18.4 upgraded the Docker Compose version to v2.17.2 for Portainer Agent, and resolved an issue where the static IP addresses in a macvlan were unexpectedly changed. … Read more about Synology: Portainer Docker Version 2.18.4