Synology NAS: System Booted Up From An Improper Shutdown


It’s likely you’ve noticed your Synology Nas was “off” at least once, apparently without a reason and definitely without you performing any manual action. What should you do in this case? Going to check the log center once the device is turned back on will give you confirmation of the following error message: “System booted … Read more about Synology NAS: System Booted Up From An Improper Shutdown

mariushosting Facebook Group Reaches 24K Members

mariushosting Facebook Group Reaches 24K Members

Today, April 13, Marius, your Internet friend, turns 38! And what a better way to celebrate that than with over 24,000 members in the biggest Facebook group dedicated to Synology! My heart is still smiling. THANK YOU! for contributing to this beautiful milestone! The Synology mariushosting Facebook group has reached 24,000 members! Finally, we are … Read more about mariushosting Facebook Group Reaches 24K Members

Synology: Which NAS Models Support The Btrfs File System?

Synology Which NAS Models Support The Btrfs File System

Btrfs is a computer storage format that combines a file system based on the copy-on-write principle with a logical volume manager. It was initially designed at Oracle Corporation in 2007 for use in Linux, and since November 2013, the file system’s on-disk format has been declared stable in the Linux kernel. Btrfs is intended to … Read more about Synology: Which NAS Models Support The Btrfs File System?