How to Install Crawlab on Your Synology NAS

How to Install Crawlab on Your Synology NAS

Crawlab is a powerful Web Crawler Management Platform (WCMP) that can run web crawlers and spiders developed in various programming languages including Python, Go, Node.js, Java, C# as well as frameworks including Scrapy, Colly, Selenium, Puppeteer. It is used for running, managing and monitoring web crawlers, particularly in production environment where traceability, scalability and stability … Read more about How to Install Crawlab on Your Synology NAS

Synology: Increase MariaDB Max Connections and Packet Size

Synology Increase MariaDB Max Connections and Packets

Do you know that MariaDB is configured by default to handle up to 150 connections? One additional connection is used to operate root access, but, if it’s not used for this purpose, then the maximum number of connections for MariaDB is 151. The number of connections that can be accepted by MariaDB/MySQL is determined by … Read more about Synology: Increase MariaDB Max Connections and Packet Size