Mayan is a web-based free/libre document management system for managing documents within an organization. All functionality is available in its free public version. It has an active community of volunteers and third-party service and support providers. I think Mayan EDMS is the most advanced open source document management system. In this step by step guide I will show you how to install Mayan EDMS on your Synology NAS using Docker and Portainer.
Mayan EDMS v4.9.1 release.
This guide works perfectly with the latestSTEP 1
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Install Portainer using my step by step guide. If you already have Portainer installed on your Synology NAS, skip this STEP. Attention: Make sure you have installed the latest Portainer version.
Go to File Station and open the docker folder. Inside the docker folder, create one new folder and name it mayanedms. Follow the instructions in the image below.
Note: Be careful to enter only lowercase, not uppercase letters.
Now create six new folders inside the mayanedms folder that you created at STEP 3 and name them app, db, rabbitmq, redis, staging, watch. Follow the instructions in the image below.
Note: Be careful to enter only lowercase, not uppercase letters.
Log into Portainer using your username and password. On the left sidebar in Portainer, click on Stacks then + Add stack. Follow the instructions in the image below.
In the Name field type in mayanedms. Follow the instructions in the image below.
services: mayan-redis: image: redis command: - redis-server - --appendonly - "no" - --databases - "3" - --maxmemory - "100mb" - --maxclients - "500" - --maxmemory-policy - "allkeys-lru" - --save - "" - --tcp-backlog - "256" - --requirepass - "mayanredispassword" container_name: Mayan-REDIS hostname: mayan-redis security_opt: - no-new-privileges:true healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "redis-cli ping || exit 1"] user: 1026:100 environment: - TZ=Europe/Bucharest volumes: - /volume1/docker/mayanedms/redis:/data:rw restart: on-failure:5 mayan-db: image: postgres:17 command: - "postgres" - "-c" - "checkpoint_completion_target=0.6" - "-c" - "default_statistics_target=200" - "-c" - "maintenance_work_mem=128MB" - "-c" - "max_connections=150" - "-c" - "shared_buffers=256MB" - "-c" - "work_mem=8MB" container_name: Mayan-DB hostname: mayan-db security_opt: - no-new-privileges:true healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "pg_isready", "-q", "-d", "mayan", "-U", "mayanuser"] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 5 volumes: - /volume1/docker/mayanedms/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw environment: - TZ=Europe/Bucharest - POSTGRES_DB=mayan - POSTGRES_USER=mayanuser - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mayandbpass restart: on-failure:5 maya-rabbitmq: image: rabbitmq:3.9-management-alpine container_name: Mayan-RABBITMQ hostname: mayan-rabbitmq security_opt: - no-new-privileges:true healthcheck: test: rabbitmq-diagnostics -q ping interval: 30s timeout: 30s retries: 3 user: 1026:100 volumes: - /volume1/docker/mayanedms/rabbitmq:/var/lib/rabbitmq:rw environment: RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER: mayanuser RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS: mayanrabbitpass RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST: mayan restart: on-failure:5 mayan: image: mayanedms/mayanedms:s4.8 container_name: Mayan hostname: mayan security_opt: - no-new-privileges:true ports: - 8340:8000 volumes: - /volume1/docker/mayanedms/app:/var/lib/mayan:rw - /volume1/docker/mayanedms/staging:/staging_folder:rw - /volume1/docker/mayanedms/watch:/watch_folder:rw environment: MAYAN_CELERY_BROKER_URL: amqp://mayanuser:mayanrabbitpass@mayan-rabbitmq:5672/mayan MAYAN_CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS: "['']" MAYAN_CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND: redis://:mayanredispassword@mayan-redis:6379/1 MAYAN_DATABASES: "{'default':{'ENGINE':'django.db.backends.postgresql','NAME':'mayan','PASSWORD':'mayandbpass','USER':'mayanuser','HOST':'mayan-db'}}" MAYAN_LOCK_MANAGER_BACKEND: mayan.apps.lock_manager.backends.redis_lock.RedisLock MAYAN_LOCK_MANAGER_BACKEND_ARGUMENTS: "{'redis_url':'redis://:mayanredispassword@mayan-redis:6379/2'}" restart: on-failure:5 depends_on: mayan-redis: condition: service_healthy mayan-db: condition: service_started maya-rabbitmq: condition: service_started