Synology: MariaDB 10.11 Now Available

Synology MariaDB 10.11 Now Available

Thanks to my last article dated August 12, 2023, where I drew attention that the Synology MariaDB 10.3.37 package was at the End of Life, Synology has released the new MariaDB version 10.11.2 on October 11, 2023. Having already made the enormous effort to listen to the community, Synology could have made an additional effort and directly release version 10.11.5 released by the MariaDB team on August 14, 2023, and not version 10.11.2 released in February of 2023. This 10.11 LTS version of MariaDB is a 💚 long time support version that will be supported for the next 4 years until February 16, 2028 and that’s all that matters.

Just as important, together we were able to make our voices heard and make Synology listen to us in this request (I take this opportunity to thank everyone who has sent a feature inquiry). I will continue, as I have always done, to fuel the fire for this community to grow and become one of the best.


Before proceeding with the MariaDB 10.11.2 update, I recommend that you make a backup of your current MariaDB database using Hyper Backup or using my guide to manually back up your database.

📥Download MariaDB 10.11.2

You can download and install the new version of MariaDB 10.11 directly from Synology’s Package Center or manually by clicking the link above.

This post was updated on Wednesday / May 29th, 2024 at 9:26 PM