Synology: New Docker Engine Coming To DSM 7.2.2

Synology New Docker Engine Coming To DSM 7.2.2

After my latest post about Synology’s Docker Engine reaching EOL on December 10, 2023, the community’s response was absolutely fantastic: over 8000 feature inquiries were sent to Synology over the past 24 hours (that I know of) urging an update to their Docker Engine version. This is what a community does: it unites under a common goal to bring forth benefits for everybody! And, of course, the community’s efforts have registered change, with replies to the feature inquiries already informing users that a Docker Engine update will be implemented in the upcoming release of DSM version 7.2.2

💡Update May 28, 2024: Docker Engine Version 24.0.2 Available as Beta.

See below the different messages from Synology in response to user inquiries

Thank you for contacting us.
This Docker update will be implemented with the upcoming release of DSM 7.2.2

Thank you very much for your Feedback concerning the Docker Engine. We are constantly striving to improve our products, so your immediate feedback is very important to us. This enables us to optimize and further develop our products according to our customer requirements. We will release at our pace as we did, and we already have a plan for the update of the docker engine 24.x.x along with user experience refinement in the next release version.

Thank you for contacting Synology Support.
We would like to inform you that we have a plan in place to update the Docker Engine to version 24.0.3. This update will also include refinements to enhance user experience. We are targeting to release this update by the end of Q1 2024. Hope this helps and please let us know if further assistance is needed.

💡When will Synology update their Docker Engine version? An official release date has not been provided, but considering that DSM is now at version 7.2.1 Update 5 and the Docker Engine update has been promised in DSM version 7.2.2, it really won’t be long now. I think we’ll definitely have a new Docker Engine version this winter.
💡Which Docker Engine version will be implemented? According to different messages from Synology in response to user inquiries Docker engine version 24 will be released soon.


If any more updates come through in the meantime, I’ll be sure to let you know. I would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who took time out of their day and sent in a feature inquiry to move things further. You are the GOAT! I will continue, as I have always done, to fuel the fire for this community to grow and become one of the best.

This post was updated on Friday / May 31st, 2024 at 2:35 PM