Synology: First Reactions at Users’ Inquiry About Docker

Synology First Reactions at Users' Inquiry About Docker

Following the most recent DSM 7.2.2 update, I brought to your attention the fact that both Synology’s Container Manager package and Docker package were running on an outdated Docker Engine version, namely Docker Engine 24.0.2. Docker Engine 24.0.2 was released by Synology as beta on May 28, 2024. On June 8, 2024, the same Docker Engine 24.0.2 entered its EOL. After the DSM update a few days ago, I reached out to all of you in the community asking you to send in Feature Inquiries to Synology petitioning for an urgent update to Docker Engine. Today I’m here to tell you that the response from the community has been fantastic! People have sent in Feature Inquiries by the thousands and Synology’s response came without a delay.

Before we move on to what Synology had to say, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time and putting in the effort to send in a Feature Inquiry! I was absolutely impressed by the energy all of you put in and your determination to change things for the better for everyone. Thank you for speaking up and thank you for standing with the community! I’m inspired by you and beyond grateful to be part of our community!

📄Note: As of now, there are two things we know:

  1. Synology is aware of the issue and have acknowledged the need for an update to their Docker Engine version.
  2. In the replies people have received in response to their Feature Inquiries, it has been made clear that Synology will update their Docker Engine, though what hasn’t been made clear is when that will happen. If you read through the 2 replies graciously shared by members of the community, you’ll learn that an updated version of the Docker Engine are on Synology’s roadmap, but unfortunately, factors such as product prioritization and resource availability prevent Synology from setting a firm release date. So while there is definitely an update to Docker Engine on the way, we don’t have a date for it.

📢Dear Customer, Thank you for reaching out about Container Manager. We appreciate how passionate the Container Manager community is, and we want to let everyone know that we have updated versions of the Docker engine on our roadmap. We’re working on a number of exciting new products here at Synology and unfortunately the reality is that as we put more developers on these projects, it leaves fewer resources for smaller applications such as Container Manager. That being said, we haven’t forgotten about Container Manager. It’s still covered by our Product Security and Incident Response team and we are committed to maintaining it, as we are well aware of how popular it is in the Synology user community.
For any of our users who absolutely must have the latest Docker engine, it is still perfectly viable to run a Linux virtual machine through Synology Virtual Machine Manager and install Docker directly on this virtual machine. We understand that’s not as convenient as Container Manager, however some of our VMM staff have tried this method on their personal NAS devices and report success. Thank you again for reaching out. Best Regards.

📄Note: As you can see from the two replies in this post, not everyone received the exact same response. However, the message is consistent across the replies: we will be getting a new Docker Engine version, in a future DSM update, but the date is not set yet.

📢Thank you for the feedback. We plan on updating the Container Manager version alongside a future DSM update. However, the release date will depend on our available resources and product prioritization, so we will not set a firm release date as that date is always liable to change. Best regards.

📄Note: If you haven’t had a chance to send in a Feature Inquiry yet, do send one. It is important for Synology to see that home users make up a vital share of their total number of users. Not just that, we need to show we are active and involved, and care about any and all decisions made at higher levels that impact us directly and significantly. We need to present an united front and show that we, as a community, want to be involved in the decision-making process and want give our input.

This post was updated on Saturday / August 31st, 2024 at 4:02 AM