Synology: Flame Docker Version 2.0.1

Synology Flame Docker Version 2.0.1

What is Flame? Flame is an awesome self-hosted dashboard for your server that also doubles as a start page. It’s very easy to set up and use which is why I like it so much. With built-in editors, Flame allows you to set up your very own application hub in no time; and no file editing is necessary. It allows you to add links to your docker applications, and you can upload your own icons, or go for the pre-selected icons. You can also add your favorite bookmarks for easy access. Flame is something you will find you canā€™t live without! And you can finally protect your dashboard with a password! Flame is one of the must-have docker containers for your Synology NAS. This is why I’m going to keep you updated on everything new about Flame.

Flame 2.0.1 Changelog

Install Flame On Your Synology NAS Using Docker

How To Change Background On Flame

Flame 2.0.1
Note: I want to say thank you to Mats for providing me with the original Flame icon.

This post was updated on Wednesday / August 10th, 2022 at 9:52 PM