Synology: Discord Channel In Discovery Search

Synology Discord Channel In Discovery Search

Discord is a fun, young community where you can hang out with other people with whom you share interests and hobbies. If you have a Synology NAS, or are planning on becoming a Synology user, then come join our growing Synology Discord channel.


The Synology Discord channel is currently the largest Synology community on Discord and, thanks to its engaged members and moderators, it has been welcomed into Discord Discovery! Discord Discovery means that you can now search for the channel and find it easily, as you would a query in a search engine. Explore Public Server and simply Search for Synology or for mariushosting to find the community.

Synology Discord Discovery 1

What is Discord Discovery? Discovery is a recent feature added to Discord which allows Discord users to find their favorite communities by searching for them. On the left side bar, press theĀ Compass iconĀ at the bottom of the server list to access Server DiscoveryĀ and Explore Public Servers. You can search for new communities by directly searching with the search bar, and also browse communities by categories. To reach the mariushosting Discord Channel, simply search for ‘Synology’ or ‘Synology NAS’ or ‘mariushosting’ – it’s that easy!

Synology Discord Discovery 2

There are tons of fun and interesting features on Discord, not to mention wonderful communities you can join to meet likeminded people who share the same hobbies, interests, passion and work as you! A special thanks to our moderators on Discord (Dietrich, Flover, PalmTree, Tone the bone, sw0rdfish, guitar_pepito, Hedgeslammer) who are constantly helping less experienced users find solutions to their problems on a daily basis.

Note: At this moment the Discord Discovery feature is available on the Desktop Client only. The Discord Discovery feature for Mobile Clients has been announced for this spring.

This post was updated on Wednesday / August 10th, 2022 at 10:25 PM