Reaches its First Anniversary Reaches its First Anniversary

Mariushosting was born on January 9, 2019. There are no words to describe this moment. This blog has been proudly hosted from home on Synology NAS DS718+ since January 9, 2019. It’s been a year since is online. I have helped thousands of people and I am happy as ever that this site has gained your trust and you consider it a point of reference. There is still much to do. 2020 is an important year for all things Synology-related. Continue to follow me and Support my Work. I rely on your support to continue doing the good work that you (hopefully) appreciate. This blog doesn’t have ADS, COOKIES, POP-UPs or any TRACKING CODE on it. Every time you make a donation, it means I can spend time contributing with new step by step articles on mariushosting.

I blow out my first candle with those of you reading these lines. Thank you!

This post was updated on Thursday / January 9th, 2020 at 11:54 AM